Our Passion

We are passionate believers in the transformative power of education to engage the minds, hearts, and hands of the next generation of leaders; to innovate and deliver a rounded and relevant school experience which is defined by academic excellence and a forward-thinking approach to addressing the needs of today’s world.

For us education is about unleashing potential, both within and beyond the classroom. Our teaching is grounded in our heritage, but it is adapted to the individual and informed by the need for open-mindedness and innovation, both technologically and in a progressive curriculum. 

Our Group has built an array of competences to nurture all its schools, paired with a strong focus: the passion for discovering each child’s talents and strengths, the respect to celebrate their individuality, the commitment to develop them, and the empathy that allows them to become the best version of themselves.  

St.George’s driving force is to foster multiple intelligences and develop well-rounded students. They acquire the ability to problem-solve and to achieve in all spheres of life: academic, cultural, creative, social, and humanitarian. Our students are self-aware, community conscious individuals, empowered to understand and to be themselves; they are balanced, confident and caring. We prepare them to make thoughtful and responsible contributions to the communities they join and wherever their interests lead them, they are ready with the skills and the vision to reach their true potential.